Your Field & CIDHow Business Benefits from CID
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Any business that needs to transmit information about their products, services or perform training sessions could benefit from creating CID materials.
Cognitive-based communication tools have had positive effects on engaging customers & employees in materials, increasing their interest & understanding in the message and enhancing their ability to recall or retrieve content.
For employees this can result in more effective training sessions which can lead to increased safety on the job, as well as better job performance.
As for customers, they may obtain a clearer understanding of your products/ services & why they are needed by them.
Communications that benefit from CID are:
Management & Manufacturing
Employee manuals
Training manuals
Annual reports
Sales & Service
Product Information
Service & Policy Information
Employee & Customer Reading Abilities
We know that 30 million adults, in the USA alone,
have serious difficulties with common reading tasks.
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Many high school seniors score below basic reading levels. These individuals then go into the job market, without the ability to accurately understand what they are asked to read.
In addition the majority of US adults (even college educated ones) have been found to be below proficient in their ability to read, interpret & apply what they read accurately. Many of these people believe they have understood the information correctly. This means that many of your employees & customers may be misinterpreting your visual messages. Misinterpretations can manifest themselves in actions ranging from mild annoyances to fatal mistakes.
Effective communications are a basic key to business success.
Messages that are in sync with the cognitive process (CID) can help people accurately interpret your message increasing the probability of: fewer workplace mishaps; more effective project and inter-departmental communications; better customer relations.
Written business communications need to improve
for the following reasons
Employee Performance
“One in two failed projects die because of ineffective communication.”
Research from the Project Management Institute (PMI), the world’s biggest not-for-profit project-management association, shows quality communication is crucial to projects succeeding.
Retrieved from
Economic Impact
“Increasingly, businesses are recognizing the economic consequences of print communication problems…(I)ndustries are increasingly focusing upon areas where mistakes are made…(S)olutions range from short-term targeted training to redesigned documents and job performance aids.”
Retrieved from
Workplace Injuries & Death
“…Three industries had more than 100,000 incidents in 2012: health care and social assistance (168,360), manufacturing (125,280), and retail trade (125,650)… Among private service providing industry sectors, transportation and warehousing had the highest rate of injuries and illnesses… Workers experienced sprains and strains in this industry at a rate … two and one-half times the rate for all industries… Transportation incidents (were) more than 5 times the rate for all industries.”
Retrieved from
“…an average of 13 workers die every day from injuries incurred on the job…”
Stephen Pegula and Jill Janocha, “Death on the job: fatal work injuries in 2011,” Beyond the Numbers: Workplace Injuries, vol. 2, no. 22 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, August 2013), US Dept of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics
The Impact of Ineffective Communication
Retrieved from
“Communication Sin #1: Lack of Specificity”
This causes people on the receiving end of a communication to have to mind-read or guess as to what is being requested of them. Details are left out or are at best, vague. The recipient, for many reasons, fails to ask follow up questions to get specifics and has to figure it out on their own.”
The 7 Deadliest Sins of Leadership & Workplace Communication. Retrieved 1-6-14 from
18th-century French chateau razed ‘by mistake’
By THOMAS ADAMSON | Associated Press
PARIS (AP) — Residents of a sleepy French village in Bordeaux have been left dumbfounded after discovering their local 18th-century chateau was completely bulldozed “by mistake.”The mayor’s office in Yvrac said Wednesday that workers who were hired to renovate the grand 13,000-square-meter (140,000-square-foot) manor and raze a small building on the same estate in southwest France mixed them up.
“The Chateau de Bellevue was Yvrac’s pride and joy,” said former owner Juliette Marmie. “The whole village is in shock. How can this construction firm make such a mistake?” Local media reported that the construction company misunderstood the renovation plans of the current owner.
Retrieved 12-5-12 from
“Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.”
John Wooden
American basketball player & coach
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